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Our Services

At ShopSATHI, we bring you the best deals and discounts from your favorite stores, all in one place. Simply scan aShopSATHI to unlock exclusive offers and enjoy significant savings on a wide range of products and services.

Product Comparison Tools:

Our platform offers users the ability to compare products from various vendors, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. With access to detailed product information and reviews, users can easily compare prices, features, and specifications, ensuring they get the best value for their money.

Notification Alerts for Price Drops:

Users can set up notification alerts for price drops on their favourite products. Our platform notifies users when there's a price reduction or special promotion on items they've been eyeing, allowing them to make purchases at the most opportune times and maximize their savings.

Secure Payment Options:

Our platform provides users with secure payment options for their purchases. Whether it's through credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, or other digital payment methods, users can shop with confidence knowing that their transactions are safe and protected.

Customer Support and Assistance:

We offer dedicated customer support and assistance to help users with any queries or concerns they may have. Our support team is available to address technical issues, provide product recommendations, or assist with any other inquiries, ensuring a seamless shopping experience from start to finish.

Access to Exclusive Events and Promotions:

Users have access to exclusive events and promotions hosted by our platform and participating vendors. Whether its product launches, flash sales, or special events, users can stay updated on the latest happenings and take advantage of exclusive offers available only to our platform members.

Community Engagement and Reviews:

Our platform fosters community engagement by allowing users to share their shopping experiences and reviews. Users can rate and review products, share tips and recommendations with fellow shoppers, and contribute to a vibrant and active community of like-minded consumers.

Integration with Reward Programs:

Users can integrate our platform with existing reward programs or loyalty cards, maximizing their benefits and earning rewards on their purchases. Whether its airline miles, hotel points, or other loyalty rewards, our platform seamlessly integrates with users' existing reward programs for added convenience and value.